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GI-MAP Test – GI Microbial Assay Plus

The ground-breaking test targeting vital markers for gastrointestinal health

DFH GI-Map Info

Gastrointestinal Health is our cornerstone and the core to designing a wellness pathway for your patients. That’s why we have helped develop leading GI gut health mapping tools, products, education and product protocols for healthcare practitioners and their patients.

The GI-MAP™ (GI-Microbial Assay Plus) test is the first comprehensive stool analysis to include an FDA-approved DNA/PCR assay for GI pathogens performed on stool*. The pathogen targets include bacteria, parasites and another first for the market – viruses. Using the same molecular technology, for microbe assays that are useful for integrative and function medicine practitioners. And unlike previous PCR (polymerase chain reaction) assays, we have fully validated each target organism in our panel, so that you can have confidence in the results. GI-MAP™ tests for GI pathogens, opportunistic organisms, normal flora, and markers of GI health including:

  • Bacteria
  • Viruses
  • Parasites
  • Fungi
  • Inflammation
  • Immune function
  • Pancreatic function
  • Occult blood

DNA/PCR techniques also allow for the measurement of antibiotic resistance genes and virulence factors that contribute to pathogenicity. Both are used to help determine clinical significance and the most effective treatments.

GI-MAP™ – The Superior Solution

Other available stool tests may appear to be DNA-based, but they are in fact only using matrix assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight (MALDI-TOF) to identify stool microbes. Their methodology relies on cultures from stool and is not molecular/PCR based assays. With a culture-based test it is not possible to measure strict anaerobes, viruses or virulence factors. They also lack the ability to deliver true quantitation of any of the reported organisms.

In addition, other recent test offerings using an FDA-cleared molecular technology only for pathogens do not extend any molecular methodology over an entire comprehensive stool analysis to include opportunistic and beneficial organisms, including bacteria, protozoa, and fungi, all of which are provided through the GI-MAP™.

There have been many advances in DNA technology over the last 10 years, including an FDA approved, PCR based technology and assay that is used by major hospital labs. Considering these advances, why would you still rely on culture and microscopy for stool analysis and assessment of the GI environment?

Practitioner Support and Health Benefits
for Patients

The GI-Map takes the guesswork out of many aspects of diagnosis so that the practitioner can formulate an effective treatment plan for clients.

The test is used to determine if there are certain pathogenic organisms within the body that might cause illnesses like autoimmune problems, arthritis, and most chronic conditions that can be impacted by the gut bacteria.

Dr David Brady Introduces GI-Map Technology

View the 9-minute video introduction by GI-Map founder, Dr David Brady as he introduces the GI-Map technology and how practitioners can utilise it in practice for better patient outcomes.



To set up your GI-Map account and start to access this service for you and your patients, please contact us on 02 9136 6266.


Designs for Health Australia proudly presented
Gl-Map Seminar

Learn about the clinical applications and the research behind this new DNA/PCR stool test.

Presented by Dr David Brady, Chief Medical Officer for Diagnostic Solutions Laboratories and Dr Oscar Coetzee, Doctor of Clinical Nutrition and Associate Professor.


•  This in-depth live seminar is available to DFH Registered Practitioners…
You can view the recording here…

GI-Map Event Recordings

For more information on this ground breaking stool test please reach out to your prescribing practitioner.